What DO You Do?

What do you do when your candidate loses?

You get out of bed and get on with life.

You explain to your children that God is still on His throne, and that we do not put our Trust in men. You remind them that even if our candidate had won, we still would not put our Trust in men.

You down on your knees for your country.

You go to bed and do it all again the next day.

Hmm…not too far from what you did before your candidate lost.

6 responses to “What DO You Do?

  1. I hear ya ~ Doing the same thing here!

  2. I wrote something similar about that today on my blog as well. Very well put!

  3. yep. kind of a downer of a day. but continuing on helps. i also pointed out to my children that we need to show respect to mr. obama because he will be our new president, an authority over us. easier for them to swallow than for me. :o)

  4. Ha! Same here. God remains that same and that makes me so thankful today!

  5. i know no matter what God has a plan and i am counting on that

  6. What a cutie she is… Happy Birthday~

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